Canadians ~part 2~

The weekend after my parents came I saw so many familiar Canadian faces. Jenelle got to come visit me. It was the best. Seriously. I miss that girl like mad. The moment we were reunited was beautiful. I waited for what felt like an eternity. They got stuck in traffic. I wish the moment of us seeing each other could have been caught on camera because it truly was beautiful. I would be lying if I said I didn't shed a tear or two of pure joy. If joy came bottled it would contain those tears. We went to the football game and then stayed up too late getting all caught up and doing girl things like our nails. Then next morning we woke up early and headed to Salt Lake with Lincoln, Shane and Emily to hit up some General Conference. We got all the tickets we needed as we walked down the street in like 2 minutes. It was awesome. We went to the first session and heard that angel of a prophet President Monson say that I can go on a mission right now should I choose to. That moment was so e...