And We Shall See

So this one time I applied to the Media Arts program at BYU. I remember it like it was a reminisce. I procrastinated a little too much and stressed a little too much, but I managed to finish printing all my papers and everything for it the morning of right before it was time to leave. I'm pretty impressive, I know. Don't ask how i magically managed that, but it happened. I sighed a sigh of relief when I handed my 4 manila (they HAD to be manila, any other color is blasphemy) folders with my DVDs featuring this to the lady at the desk. Then I realized that there would be an ensuing interview in the next couple of weeks. I knew the questions they would ask me, so that's been lingering in the back of my mind for the past couple of weeks. The morning came... this morning in fact. I spent the previous night picking out my outfit, and stressing some more. I was NERVOUS. like you wouldn't believe. So nervous. So I got up, not as early as I planned (my bed was delicious ...