Decently, Recently

And so it begins. A new semester that is. I have been busy with my classes, new things all about... and then Statistics (hello pure math 20). I am so glad that I have one class that isn't 100% new facts to memorize. I am in a Japanese class, let me tell you... that is hard work. I think the only phrase I actually know is, "wakarimasen," and I get A LOT of use out of that. (It means I don't understand). I am in American Heritage... I'm not American. I am in an international student section, which is rad, but I think all the kids from the other countries just hink Canadians talk a lot, because there is this one girl who just won't stop. Okay, Chatty Cathy, put a lock on it. She's nice though. I am also in a nutrition class with 2 girls from my stake back home, which is RAD! I've been able to spend time with lots of Canadians, which I love. There's nothing like making some chesterfield, garborator, washroom jokes with some people who speak your lan...