Final Finals

con GRAD ulations (so cliche). This one goes out to my favorite little sister and my very best friend that makes me food and makes sure I eat healthy and exercise. She takes very good care of me. She will make someone very happy one day, and when that day comes I will be happy for her but very sad at the same time, unless we live together, or at least if we are neighbors. Never leave me Jen-L the Reb-L! So last Thursday was the big day. Alana so graciously brought her accessories, and we found some killer shoes, that we made even better with some gold leaf. Seriously so cool. We got up bright and early to go to the Stampede grounds for her ceremony. It was busy busy, and very multicultural. 648 students is a lot of kids to watch walk across a stage. And then the real fun began... We were leaving and I had the brilliant idea of getting Vietnamese Subs. I LOVE THOSE THINGS!!! and we got them at the best place by the river. We Love those babies Then it was time t...