Once Upon a December

Okay, it was actually February- not December- February 17, 2009 to be exact. I just wrote that because they sing that in Anastasia (good flick) when they reminisce. Anyways. Today I had a moment, "it was like a reminisce"(Daxflame). I was looking back at notes on the Facebook. Remember those? Yeah i didn't either. But then I remember, "Hey, I wrote those sometimes!" I usually didn't publish them or let anyone else set eyes on them. But today my one blog follower is in for a real treat. An unpublished note, that will be published, right here, right now. Actually not Right now. I will just give a little background of why I'm finally publishing it after 4.5 years.

Today has been rough. Second day of school, feeling overwhelmed and lonely. Mostly missing my family and the really nice big rug in front of the fireplace. Just wanting to be at home. Feeling sorry for myself. It just hasn't been an easy few weeks. Then I found my note. At first I was wondering if I just copied and pasted it from somewhere, because I didn't remember writing anything so insightful and smart (in case you are wondering, I am so smart S-M-R-T). Then I did that thing where they match the writing styles and it's like 99% accurate, so there's like a 1% chance I am plagiarizing (just look at that word- weird right). As I read this it was like me from the past came to the future and just told me what I needed to here. I didn't get to tell her anything though or give any warnings, because that would mess up the time space continuum.

Without Further ado, I present 2009 JJ:

"In the midst of this boredom that i quite frequently experience, that i should probably spend being studious (Actually i KNOW i should be more "Asian" in that department, excuse my adjective choice). Anyways beside the point, Like the title said, and like we have all heard on TV all the time, but I am pretty sure that people don't tend to use crazy talk like this, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Well i am going to use some 'poetic license'' and change this up a little. i guess i will say, "When life gives you lemons, accept them, with great appreciation, and then go right on ahead and share them with those you love." (You could also donate them to a charity or something, maybe the homeless, but right now we are discussing those you love, so scratch that thought. 

Basically what I am trying to say is that, i wish that when i got something good, i had all the people that i love here so i could share it with them. When you got something good, why just keep it for yourself, when there are so many people around you who care about you and love you so much. i guess that i have learned AN ABUNDANCE of new things this school year. i have finally figured out that it's not that hard just to pass a smile on. Seriously people, just smile, it's a lot easier than walking around looking for reasons to be mad at the world when there are just SO many things that are SCREAMING at you to smile. I have also realized that no matter who it might be, just saying hi to someone you kind of know, can make a world of difference in their day. I know from being on the other side of that pat on the back and genuine smile, it has made a world of difference to me. i am so glad for friends that i have like that, and want so bad to be one of them. When people do that, others want to be their friend. 
Another thing i have learned, always look for the positive in a situation. I know we are basically trained to look for the negative, and most people see that before anything else. But optimism isn't that hard to grasp. i am not saying that i am perfect, walking around, and like Optimistic Olga or anything, I am working hard to change my name (hypothetically speaking of course) to Olga. Life seems to get easier, the more optimistic one is. and optimism is more contagious than SARS. i swear, but i am pretty sure some people have been vaccinated, and are immune. spread it. 
be grateful. Show gratitude to your friends, family, and anyone for that matter, because that REALLY says a lot about you. and plus, one day you might not have as many opportunities to tell them how glad you are that they are there. DON'T HATE, APPRECIATE!!!!!!!!! just saying "thanks" isn't that hard. i know now that i should have been more grateful, and i still should be. I take advantage way too often, and i just don't show enough gratitude to those that share their time, skills, and love with me. And it really does help a person when they feel like they have made a difference or that you noticed that they are there. 
The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference... i owe that lesson to my English teacher. 

i don't know why i am writing, i guess i just feel inspired or maybe my blood pressures a little high, and those knees in the lead could have also affected me. 

i love so much, i miss so much, and i want to be so much more. Self absorption gets you nowhere, and to no one. People notice other that are full of themselves, but generally not the way that puts them in a good place. 
I wish that i could share more of me with others. Share who i am, what i stand for, what skills i have, Just SHARE. i know, Just share makes it sound simple, but really it can seem hard, but is it really?

Live life, not letting a moment pass, or another person falling in front of you, to involved with yourself to help them up. Be that person that others wish they were. Not because of what you possess on the outside, but what you have to share on the inside. Make life a little easier. be that person that people think is ALWAYS smiling.

i guess this is a way of asking for help with some of my goals."


  1. Wow - that was seriously great!!! And how cool that the you in 2009 could say exactly what the you of 2013 would need! I am so glad you shared that, the whole world needs to SHARE it (get it, cause you talked about sharing yourself).. I sure love you and miss you! You are such a great example to me!!


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