
Showing posts from 2014

I publicly prayed in church today and by accident called another man in the rooms wife beautiful

So my Fans ... okay Alana, has spoken and she wants me to come back. So here I am. I got an email from a friend of mine a few weeks ago. I have been trying to convince him to be a blogger, because he has the most interesting stories, and no one tells them better than he does! But he just won't do it, but he did give me permission to post one of his stories. So since he is much more interesting to listen to than me... I know it's long, but it is well worth the read. This is for real. This is what all of his stories are like. I publicly prayed in church today and by accident called another man in the rooms wife beautiful I should feel guilty because I skipped the first hour and a half of church today. When ever I drive to church I have a habit and I don't know, maybe I do it consciously or subconsciously, but I always drive by the house of Abigail, the girl I home teach. She lives there with several other single girls so when I go over there I never know what exc...

I used to be an occasional blogger

Now I may try to be an occasional blogger again. Maybe even a little more than occasional.  I got married. So you missed that. ALL of that. Like, I bet all the people who don't even read my blog didn't know I was dating anyone. So yeah. We met and after dating for a while we got married. His name is Chet. That's short for Chester. JK, I think. Sometimes we have been mistaken for brother and sister on occasion. Like twice, but twice too many times.  He is fun. and cool. and he makes me laugh. and he works very hard. and I love him very much. and he loves me even though I don't make it very easy. and I am glad that he agreed to marry me on August 23, 2014. In Idaho Falls, in the temple there. On a beautiful rainy day. I love rainy days. And then I was sick. And then he was sick. Sick of me after one day of marriage, he threw up, in Hawaii, on our honeymoon. Lots. Apparently our wedding made lots of people sick.  But we had a wonderful photographer to take our pic...

Parkades vs Parking Garages

To all you Canadians: Did you know that in the USofA they call  Parkades, Parking Garages? I didn't know that either until I moved here.  To all you Americans: Did you know that in Canada they call  Parking Garages, Parkades ? Go figure. I went and took pictures in a Parkade for my photography class. I got down and dirty. Literally. I was down on the ground and got all dirty.  Now I have to pick a picture that I like better. I've narrowed it down to these two: 


In terms of how years go, 2014 has been pretty rad. It's been a good  great year. It's been busy, fun, hard, exciting, scary, enlightening, beautiful, happy... It's been great. I love school. It's not always easy, but I get to create. I get to use my imagination. I'm so happy.  Watch that video. I love it. This man is wise.  Anyways I get to take a photography class and the assignments have been fun. These are the ones I've turned in so far: Zion's National Park Idaho Harold B Lee Library These are just a taste of the adventures I've have thus far this year. And it's barely February. I think it's looking out to be a fun year, and I couldn't be more stoked.