
I found this post that I wrote about 6 months ago, and it just made my heart so happy.
"The other night I had the best dream...
I was with my family, and my grandma Takahashi was there, then my Grandpa was there too, he was healthy and strong, a way I haven't seen him in years. He passed away just over a year and a half ago. He sat there, and he spoke with strength, and he just asked, "How are you?"
I said, "I am good."
"Are you Happy?"
I remember pausing for a moment to think about the answer, and I just felt so joyful, and I answered with conviction, "Yes!" And I meant it, I really meant it.
I woke up, feeling so happy, and so blessed. I think about my grandpa a lot. I miss him too.
I was working on a letterpress assignment inspired by him, and as I worked I thought about this dream. I thought about how he just wanted to know how I am doing and if I am happy. It was a good reminder that He cares about me and thinks of me. Even though he is further along in his journey, and in a new place and state, he still thinks about his loved ones, and it was just nice to think that my thoughts of him are reciprocated. This was such a lovely and happy reminder that I needed."
And I am happy.
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